First Prize Pies Cookbook Giveaway

After making the Salty Caramel Pie from The First Prize Pies book, we couldn't be more thrilled to be giving away a copy of the book, signed by author Allison Kave, to one lucky reader!  This book is packed with 85 recipes, gorgeous mouth-watering photography, and lots of in-depth instruction.  Entering our giveaway is simple.  Comment on this post with your favorite pie flavor or even share a link to your favorite pie recipe.  (Please only 1 entry per person.) We will accept entries through Tuesday, April 8th at 11PM CST, and announce the winner Wednesday, April 9th at 10AM CST.  Good luck!

First Prize Pies Cookbook Giveaway |
First Prize Pies Cookbook Giveaway |
First Prize Pies Cookbook Giveaway |
First Prize Pies Cookbook Giveaway |
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